In the beginning...

In the beginning...


I have been a Primary school teacher for over ten years, but unfortunately, due to a decline in my health leading to chronic pain and fatigue, I have had to leave my career behind and try to make a go of things with my "side hustle".

I began Eden Rose just over a year ago, creating candles, soaps and bath salts for my friends and family as an alternative to unnecessary and single use items as gifts. I did a few craft stalls and orders, but it was a real challenge to create my own products, sell them, teach full time and complete a leadership qualification (all whilst raising two young children!). 

For a little while it all took a back seat and Eden Rose did very little to nothing in the way of trading. Then in October 2023, my health deteriorated, someone very close to me was diagnosed as terminally ill and the next few months were the greatest challenge I had ever faced. When he lost his battle, I faced a fork in the road; return to my full time role where I barely saw my children, potentially making my chronic illness worse ever passing day, or take a leap of faith an develop the business.  

Because of the strain on my health, I made the decision that the majority of my work would be sourcing zero-waste and sustainable products to sell on, whilst making the occasional upcycled product from waste textiles. Sustainability is a passion of mine, I want to leave the world a better place than it was when I entered it, so that future generations have a beautiful planet to live in long after I am gone. 


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